EDIC for GMC Registration
11 Feb, 202310 Minutes
International medical graduates must get on the GMC register if they want to practice medicine in the UK – it’s the only register that will allow them to do so. That’s where the inflexibility ends, however, as there are several routes for proving to the GMC that you have the necessary skills. One of those routes involves getting your EDIC.
What is EDIC? An Overview
The EDIC (European Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine) is a two-part examination set by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. The exams are all in English but available worldwide, ensuring that IMGs can access them.
The goal of the EDIC is to standardise the training and education of those working in intensive care units in Europe. It means that anyone working in the ICU meets their set of standards, creating intensive care units that always provide high-quality care to those who need it most. By taking and passing both parts of the EDIC exams, you can prove that you have the knowledge and competencies to work in that environment, and it has been recognised by the GMC since 2019.
Of course, we mentioned that there are a couple of routes to GMC registration – EDIC is for those who want to work in intensive care medicine. Completing your EDIC means being able to apply for high-level, well-paid specialist jobs within the NHS usually as an ST3+ or Speciality Doctor. It’s for those who want to care for patients who are very ill in intensive care wards, such as those who have experienced severe accidents, heart attacks, and sepsis.
Before we get in to the full story our ICU specialist Tyler had this to say about the EDIC exams as a route to GMC Registration:
EDIC Cost and Eligibility
Cost of Part 1: €610 for ESICM members, €810 for non-ESICM members
Cost of part 2: €850 for ESICM members, €1050 for non-ESICM members
If you need to cancel, the amount you get refunded depends on the time you cancel. For example, you’ll only get reimbursed 25% of the fee if it’s four weeks before the exam. However, if there are still twelve weeks until the exam date, you will get reimbursed 75% of the fee.
To be eligible for these exams, you must complete a twelve-month internship and have a medical degree from a suitable college or university. You must also be enrolled in one of these programmes:
- Intensive Care Medicine
- Anaesthesiology
- Internal Medicines
- Emergency Medicine
Instead of enrolling in one of these programmes, you can also have completed 18 months of intensive care medicine training.
The only additional eligibility criteria for part two of the EDIC exams is that you must have passed part one.
How to Apply for the EDIC
To apply for the EDIC, first create an ESICM account. From there, you can complete the application form for the EDIC parts one and two (you will only be able to book part two once you have passed the first exam). Payment will be requested after you’ve completed the application but will only be taken from your credit card once your application is verified. Verification may take weeks.
EDIC Part One
Part one of the EDIC is the written exam. It involves 100 multiple-choice questions; you get three hours to answer them all, so finding a steady pace is necessary. The topics for part one are pretty widespread; you’ll be asked questions on basic sciences, toxicology, ethics, physiology, and more. It covers a large bulk of the curriculum.
For 2023, the exam takes place virtually, meaning you can complete the exam from anywhere in the world. Keep in mind there are very rigid rules for this exam – you can take no breaks, and you must always show your face on the webcam. A proctor will be there to oversee the exam.
If you fail part one of the EDIC, you can retry, but you must wait at least a year until you do so.
EDIC Part Two
EDIC part two is an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). It involves six separate skill stations – three on clinical scenarios, where you’ll look at patient charts, and the other three are computer stations, where you’ll read and interpret specific clinical scenarios. All stations are designed to test your practical skills, ensuring you can apply your knowledge to realistic situations you will handle in an intensive care ward.
The exam lasts two hours in total. Much like part one, part two of the EDIC is virtual for 2023, although it has been done in test centres in the past. If you’re reading this past 2023, you should check the ESICM website to see the format of the upcoming exams.
You can re-sit EDIC part two if you fail, but ESCIM only allows a maximum of three attempts.
Preparing for the EDIC Exams
For both part one and part two of the EDIC, go over the curriculum to understand what you need to know and learn in time for the exam date. It also helps to familiarise yourself with the structure. Fortunately, you can find preparation courses and mock exams to help you do just that. Some last a couple of months, whereas others are more crammed – we recommend taking the longer courses. It’s better to take your time preparing for the exams, so try to spread studying out over many months. The more time you put into preparing, and the more you’re familiar with the exams, the better you’ll do on the day.
Part two requires showing how you would act in an actual clinical situation, so to prepare for this exam, consider also practising with your colleagues. It’s not just about the knowledge you have – it’s about how you use and present that knowledge.
What Happens After You Complete EDIC?
Once you pass both parts of the exams, you will officially have the European Diploma in Intensive Care! This is recognised at a national level, and you can then use it to get your GMC registration. Remember that there are other steps to getting on the GMC register, such as proving your English Language skills with IELTS or OET and showing your certificate of good standing.
Once you’ve used EDIC for GMC registration, you can start browsing ICU jobs for the NHS, and you’ll be able to work at the ST3+ level.
In the following articles, you will find more details about part one and part two of the exams, including what topics they will be on and what to expect on the day.
Remember if you have any questions or would like help in obtaining your EDIC, GMC or jobs in the NHS then BDI Resourcing are only an email away!