EDIC Part 1 for IMGs
11 Feb, 202310 Minutes
EDIC is a two-part exam issued by ESICM (European Society of Intensive Medicine). They are a European non-profit organisation that aims to train members to ensure everyone working in intensive care medicine is on the same, high-quality level. It has been recognised by the GMC since 2019, making it a good route into UK medicine for IMGs wanting to work in ICU units in the NHS.
Both parts of the exam test your knowledge and competencies in different ways. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about part one so that you can be properly prepared on exam day.
How Much Does the EDIC Part 1 Cost?
It costs €610 for ESICM members to apply for the exam and €810 for non-ESICM members. However, keep in mind that being an ESICM member comes with its own fees.
You will only be charged for the exam once your booking is validated, which might take a couple of weeks after applying. If you wish to cancel your exam booking, it’s better to do so sooner rather than later, as you will only receive a 25% refund if you cancel four weeks before the exam, but 50% for eight weeks prior and 75% for twelve weeks prior.
Who is Eligible for the EDIC Part 1?
To sit the EDIC part one, you must have a medical degree from a recognised university or college. You should also be enrolled in one of the following training programmes:
- Anaesthesiology
- Intensive Care Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Emergency Medicine
However, there is an alternative – if you are not enrolled in one of those programmes, you can still sit the exam if you have completed at least eighteen months of training in intensive care medicine.
How to Apply for the EDIC Part 1
Applying for part one involves creating an ESICM account, completing an EDIC part one application, and then booking your slot. In 2023, this will be a virtual slot, meaning you’ll take the exam from your own computer.
Once you’ve booked an exam slot, you will wait a couple of weeks for the application to be validated.
EDIC Part 1 Exam: What to Expect
Part one of the EDIC is a multiple-choice paper, and you get three hours to complete it.
The exam provides candidates with two types of questions: A and K. Type A questions give you four to five multiple-choice answers with only one correct answer. Type K questions involve a statement, and you must answer either true or false.
The EDIC part one focuses on basic sciences, interpretation of diagnostic data, ethics, organ function replacement therapies, general patient care, and more. The topics are widespread, as it’s about ensuring you have the broad knowledge necessary for working in an intensive care department.
For 2023, the EDIC part one exam takes place virtually, which means you’ll need to sort out getting a computer with a strong internet connection, webcam, and microphone. ESCIM have provided some rules for taking the exam virtually, which include:
- Being in a quiet room with no distractions
- No supporting books or notes
- No taking pictures
- No background noises
- Appropriate dress
- Keep face visible
- No breaks at all during the exam
All exams take place in English, but you can take them from anywhere in the world.
Preparing for the EDIC Part 1
The first step of preparing for the EDIC part one should be familiarising yourself with the exam’s structure. The ESICM has plenty of great resources on their website, including a refresher course, which can help you get to grips with the exam. There are plenty of other preparation courses for the EDIC part one, too, so consider taking one for better guidance. Not only will it instil more confidence in you, but it will also ensure your studying time stays focused on the curriculum.
Remember to allow plenty of time for the exam. The course material is very broad, and you need to remember a lot of facts, which means you can’t only focus on a single area. Giving yourself six months to prepare will ensure you have enough time to learn everything, reducing your chances of failing.
Here are some books we recommend diving into for EDIC part one prep:
- Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine, 8th Edition – Richard S. Irwin, Craig M. Lilly, Paul H. Mayo, James M. Rippe
- Textbook of Critical Care, 7th Edition – Jean-Louis Vincent, Edward Abraham
What Happens if You Fail?
Don’t worry too much if you fail the EDIC part one, as you will have the opportunity to sit the exam again. However, you must wait at least a year before you do so. During that year, take your time to brush up on the knowledge you may not have had the first time. Knowing where you went wrong also makes a huge difference. Perhaps there was a specific topic that stumped you, or you didn’t give yourself enough time to prepare.
Consider taking a refresher course before retaking the exam. After a year, you’ll need to refresh your memory.
What Happens Once You Pass?
Passing the EDIC part one is a great achievement, so well done! Once you’ve passed the first part of EDIC, it’s time to apply for part two. The EDIC part two is an OSCE and involves showing your knowledge through a practical exam.
After passing both parts, you can apply for your GMC registration, gaining the ability to work in the ICU in the NHS from an ST3+ or Speciality Doctor level! Just keep in mind you’ll also need your IELTS or OET to prove your English Language skills for the GMC.
In Summary
Gaining the European Diploma of Intensive Care has been recognised by the GMC since 2019. The key to passing part one is to prepare thoroughly, ensuring you know what to expect on the exam date. Remember that EDIC part one is only one-half of the process – you need part two to officially receive the diploma. Fortunately, you can find everything you need to know about EDIC part 2 in the following article!
As ever if you need any guidance on your journey to the UK we are here to help so please contact us and we’ll get back to you with expert advice.