Emergency Medicine NHS Interview Questions | Free PDF Guide



BDI Resourcing has created this NHS interview preparation guide to assist those invited to an NHS interview for an Emergency Medicine position. It’s crucial to prepare for such an interview, and this guide teaches you the kinds of interview questions the panel will ask you, including how to answer them in a way that showcases the best of your skills and real-life examples from our extensive experience hosting interviews. The guide covers answering techniques, question types, how to prepare, and how to form your own answers.

BDI Resourcing has created this NHS interview preparation guide to assist those invited to an NHS interview for an Emergency Medicine position. It’s crucial to prepare for such an interview, and this guide teaches you the kinds of interview questions the panel will ask you, including how to answer them in a way that showcases the best of your skills and real-life examples from our extensive experience hosting interviews. The guide covers answering techniques, question types, how to prepare, and how to form your own answers.

Content of the Guide

The guide is thorough and should be extremely helpful for those wishing to secure a role in an NHS emergency department (ED). Most notably, it includes a long list of example interview questions to really boost your medical interview preparation. Here is what you’ll find in the guide:

Techniques to Answer Questions

There are three great answering techniques for answering all types of emergency medicine NHS interview questions. These are CAMP, STAR, and SPIES.

CAMP – standing for Clinical, Academic, Management, Personal – is an answering approach that will guide the interview panel through your relevant experience. Typically, interviewees use this method after the interviewer asks, “Tell us about yourself.”

STAR – Situation, Task, Action, and Result - is used when telling the panel about a specific clinical encounter.

SPIES – standing for Seek Information, Patient Safety, Initiative, Escalate, Support – is a method used for answering clinical scenario questions. This technique is crucial for providing great answers to level ST3+ / Registrar interview questions.

Types of Questions

Next, the guide takes you through the various questions the NHS interview panel will ask you. For each question, the guide tells you how to prepare and how to answer, also providing a list of example questions. Here are the types of questions the guide covers:

Skills and Experience

The skills and experience questions ask you about yourself. Usually, these questions ask you to detail your qualifications (such as your MRCEM or FRCEM) and relevant emergency medical experience.

Clinical Scenarios

This section includes actual scenarios that you might be asked about in your interview. You’ll feel prepared for how to respond and ready for likely questions.

Ethical Scenarios

It’s common for an NHS interview panel to provide an ethical dilemma for you to answer. These dilemmas will be typical for doctors in an emergency department such as A&E. The guide is particularly helpful for this section as answering can be tricky. It uses the four pillars of medical ethics to help you formulate the best response to all ethical scenarios.

Motivation and Aspiration Questions

These questions will ask you about your motivation to work in the emergency medical department. It also encompasses questions about your future goals. The guide provides you with guidance on answering as well as great example questions to help you practice.

Questions to Ask at the End

The NHS interview PDF guide explains the importance of asking questions at the end, such as building rapport and showing your interest. It also tells you how to create a list of great questions – ones that don’t look like they were plucked from thin air. We also provide a good list of example questions that may inspire your own.

Overall, our guide will provide you with excellent medical interview preparation, ensuring you know how to answer any question that comes your way. So use this NHS interview download to the best of your ability by familiarising yourself with the speciality doctor interview questions and creating excellent answers in line with the techniques provided.