A Complete Guide to MRCPCH for IMGs
16 January, 2024A detailed video explaining the steps to completing MRCPCH. Explaining the different theoretical and practical exams (FOP, TAS, AKP) with prices and...
A detailed video explaining the steps to completing MRCPCH. Explaining the different theoretical and practical exams (FOP, TAS, AKP) with prices and tips!
00:06 Introduction
00:48 FOP & TAS Exams
02:02 AKP Exams
03:05 Preparing Examples
04:22 Conclusion
00:07 If you are an international paediatrician watching this
00:10 video, then you might be wondering about the
00:12 various routes for applying for GMC registration.
00:16 The two most well trodden paths are
00:19 the PLAB exam or the MRCPCH exams.
00:22 Now, if you're looking to come in at a more
00:25 senior level, so that might be ST3 or registrar,
00:27 as it might be known in your country, then MRCPCH
00:31 is probably going to be the route for you.
00:34 It's the exam that's sat by UK
00:36 trainees around the ST3 level.
00:38 So generally it's considered a good access point for
00:42 ST3+ level doctors to come in with.
00:51 If you've decided that the MRCPCH exams are
00:54 the ones for you, then you're going to
00:56 start with the theory based examinations.
00:58 So, traditionally, these were known as
01:00 Part 1A and Part 1B
01:01 They're now known as FOP and TAS.
01:03 So, foundations of practice, theory and science.
01:06 These are very much theoretical exams.
01:09 So in terms of preparation, get back to your textbooks.
01:12 You should be absolutely fine.
01:13 If you've got a couple of years working
01:14 in paediatrics, just brush up on the basics.
01:18 They're sat three times per year, so it's important to get
01:22 booked in early and be aware of when the timings for
01:24 these are, because if you miss a sitting or you fail
01:27 one of the exams, you will have to wait for the
01:29 next set before you can sit them again.
01:31 They can be sat internationally.
01:33 It's slightly more expensive to book the exams from overseas,
01:37 so just over £700 for an international applicant apply
01:41 for both examinations, and there's a discount for doing both
01:44 at the same time, so it's worth doing them on
01:47 the same day, if you can.
01:49 Each paper is two and a half hours in
01:51 length and around 80 questions on each paper.
01:54 They're all multiple choice and they're either single
01:56 best answer or extended matching types of questions.
02:05 The next section of the MRCPCH exams is
02:08 the AKP, the applied knowledge and practice examinations.
02:13 Kind of similar setup to the theory, in the
02:16 sense of them both being it's a two hour
02:18 paper sat on the same day, 2 hours
02:22 30 minutes per paper, and it's more about your understanding
02:26 and interpretation of the foundations of your practice.
02:29 So, theory and how you apply
02:31 that to a clinical scenario.
02:33 So you're given things like case
02:35 histories, photographs, data to interpret all
02:39 of these things in your examination.
02:41 And the objective, of course, is to show that
02:44 you've got the applied knowledge in practice AKP.
02:49 The exam costs just over £800
02:52 for international doctors to apply.
02:54 It's slightly cheaper if you're applying from the UK, and
02:56 it is essential to sit on the same day, so
02:59 you can do both papers on the exact same day.
03:07 If you've got this far, then it's
03:09 finally time for the clinical examination.
03:11 So, MRCPCH clinical is in a hospital
03:15 based setting and it's really testing your
03:18 actual applied skills on the job.
03:22 So the expectation is that you've got two and
03:24 a half years of clinical practice under your belt
03:27 at this point, of which at least six months
03:30 needs to be practicing as a Paediatrician.
03:33 So this is where, if you've already got
03:35 experience and you're working at a registrar level,
03:37 hopefully you'll find this examination relatively straightforward.
03:41 It is quite testing, though.
03:43 There are twelve stations over 2 hours and
03:45 40 minutes, and of course you're going to
03:48 be under intense scrutiny at that time.
03:49 So it's important to be well prepared, thinking about
03:52 all of the things that you do in practice
03:54 day in, day out, and perhaps some of the
03:56 trickier scenarios that come up as well.
03:58 You'll be faced with actors, of course,
04:01 which can be daunting in itself.
04:02 So it's important to try and prepare for these
04:04 exams by thinking about the day to day practice
04:08 that you do, practicing with colleagues and maybe even
04:12 attending some of the recognised at clinical examination courses,
04:15 prep courses, which are really, really good too.
04:24 Right, we've raced through what
04:25 to expect from the MRCPCH exams.
04:27 Of course, in practice, they are very difficult
04:30 exams to pass, as they are testing you
04:33 to one of the highest levels, the Royal
04:36 College standards, of course, some of the.
04:37 most revered guidelines in the world.
04:40 But, of course, the reward for sitting them is
04:42 that you should find it relatively straightforward to apply
04:45 for ST3 level jobs in the NHS.
04:48 So if you're at that level and you're ready
04:50 to do so, then please do get in touch.
04:52 We'll put the contact details up
04:53 at the end of the video.