Getting on the GMC register can take time and effort. That is because you need to acquire a ...
Getting on the GMC register can take time and effort. That is because you need to acquire a ...
For the purpose of GMC registration, IMGs must prove their English language skills. Doing so...
OET is an English language exam commonly used by IMGs because the GMC accepts it for GMC reg...
Getting on the GMC register is essential for all IMGs who want to move to the UK and work fo...
If you want to relocate to the UK to embark on an NHS career, you might be eager to learn mo...
As an international medical graduate or doctor, you might worry if you can balance a rewardi...
So, you have gone through the process of applying and interviewing for an NHS role and have ...
Working in the NHS might be a career goal, but you might not be able to imagine it without y...